
Our Story – The foundation of cAPPabilities

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Nuestra historia: la creación de cAPPabilities

Habíamos llevado ya muchos años trabajando como formadores, mentores y consultores con una gran variedad de personas y organizaciones; cuando nos dimos cuenta de que algunas de ellas nos habían impresionado mucho. Sobre todo nos acordábamos de su fuerza y confianza. También claro nos impactó su legado, muchas de esta personas habían impulsado importantes proyectos, generado cambios significativos e inspirado a otros. En definitiva, estas personas en sus distintos roles eran generadores de impacto y oportunidades.

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Our Story – The foundation of cAPPabilities


Nuestra historia: la creación de cAPPabilities

Habíamos llevado ya muchos años trabajando como formadores, mentores y consultores con una gran variedad de personas y organizaciones; cuando nos dimos cuenta de que algunas de ellas nos habían impresionado mucho. Sobre todo nos acordábamos de su fuerza y confianza. También claro nos impactó su legado, muchas de esta personas habían impulsado importantes proyectos, generado cambios significativos e inspirado a otros. En definitiva, estas personas en sus distintos roles eran generadores de impacto y oportunidades.

Our approach for effective training – the five S’s

New Learning


Our approach for effective training – the five S’s

What motivates us to act? New insights from the behavioral sciences show that there is a bundle of factors: from meaningfulness to the urge to play. They all come into their own in our fitness club for new leadership because the following applies: Only practice makes perfect! But how do we integrate these motivating factors? You can find more information here!

Reducing the Costs of Change

New Organizations

Reducing the Costs of Change

Change is often an arduous process that many people shy away from. Over the years, habits have become ingrained in both the private and professional sectors, which certainly have their justification. Companies need to constantly evolve together with their workforce to be successful. The Corona crisis, for example, demands an entirely new set of social skills regarding living and working together. For some companies, rapid adaptability is currently necessary just to survive.

Motivational phrases from sport – a semantic analysis

New Teams

Motivational phrases from sport – a semantic analysis

Motivational phrases and mottos are ubiquitous on social media. Many come from the sport and serve as inspiration for endeavors in private and professional life. We asked ourselves whether there are common patterns among all these phrases? For this purpose, we semantically analyzed 215 sayings and identified four main themes: success orientation, commitment, meaningfulness, and prerequisites.

Virtual Communities as a Source of Energy for Organizations – What we can learn from esports

New Learning

New Teams

Virtual Communities as a Source of Energy for Organizations – What we can learn from esports

In the context of the home office or hybrid working, the analog office can hardly assume the role of giving the organization its identity. The exchange of ideas over coffee, after work, or an informal chat has always contributed to this. Now, other approaches are needed to strengthen the exchange of information, create a team spirit and promote loyalty to the company. Virtual communities can play an essential role here.



Nuestro enfoque para New Work

El enfoque cAPPabilities está orientado a la acción. Al fin y al cabo, New Work tiene que ver con la práctica vivida en la organización, más que con bonitos deseos. Estamos convencidos que las transformaciones comienzan con motivar a las personas a aceptar y querer el cambio. ¿Cómo lo conseguimos?