Reducing the Costs of Change
New Organizations

Change is often an arduous process that many people shy away from. Over the years, habits have become ingrained in both the private and professional sectors, which certainly have their justification. Companies need to constantly evolve together with their workforce to be successful. The Corona crisis, for example, demands an entirely new set of social skills regarding living and working together. For some companies, rapid adaptability is currently necessary just to survive.
For companies, it is a matter of keeping the cost of change as low as possible. Because if this is less than personal resistance, people are willing to change. They are then motivated, the process is easy and is perceived as pleasant. At this point, further development becomes self-motivated and systematic.
Achieving this is not witchcraft, but it requires constant work on the approach and steps involved in the change process. Our main concern is the continuous reduction of the “Cost of Change”, which we achieve by systematizing and personalizing further development as well as by training and consulting. We are constantly evolving our app and formats to make learning even easier for users.
A key driver is to operationalize company intentions – such as becoming more innovative or agile – for individual employees. A change management process in the company is only successful if employees change their behaviors. To do this, however, they need a clear individual plan that motivates them. Often, projects involving changes in the company remain at an abstract level, which is why the effort required to change the behavior of individual employees is too high and they, therefore, do not follow their plan. Through our work, we reduce the Cost of Change for as many target groups and content as possible. The lower the cost, the greater the scalability opportunities, as more use cases become available (see graphic). In this way, the intended changes do not just remain in a small elite within the company but fulfill the intended goal: In this way, the desired change does not just remain in a small circle within the company but fulfills the desired goal: to change the company’s DNA and thereby achieve the corporate strategy.