
How can you motivate other people? – Our tips for inspired teams!

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How can you motivate other people? – Our tips for inspired teams!

Do you want to motivate your team? Then you must be motivated first! Only if you are sufficiently convinced of the project and its benefits should you continue reading this article. Your conviction is an absolute prerequisite: you have to be on fire yourself to fire yourself to be able to light the fire in others.

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How can you motivate other people? – Our tips for inspired teams!

New Teams

New Learning

How can you motivate other people? – Our tips for inspired teams!

Do you want to motivate your team? Then you must be motivated first! Only if you are sufficiently convinced of the project and its benefits should you continue reading this article. Your conviction is an absolute prerequisite: you have to be on fire yourself to fire yourself to be able to light the fire in others.

Exploit the potential of gamification

New Learning

Exploit the potential of gamification

Fun and games vs. work? Usually, these are two fundamentally different and incompatible worlds. However, there are more and more approaches to bring the two together. The age-old social technique of play stimulates creativity, strengthens social exchange and promotes motivation – all effects that are highly relevant in the world of work.

Learning from professional athletes

New Learning

Learning from professional athletes

To be successful, professional athletes must work on the fundamentals of their performance every day. They hone individual elements such as materials, techniques, tactics, training design, or mental techniques. Outstanding performance results from years of work on achieving excellence in each of those sub-areas. Talent and hard training alone are not enough.

Are our work habits good enough?

Fitness Center for New Work

New Learning

Are our work habits good enough?

As knowledge workers, we have to perform several tasks daily, such as conducting analyses, creating concepts, or communicating ideas. In most cases, we resort to familiar approaches and means. We rarely abandon these familiar paths to try new methods and techniques. As long as the final result is reasonably good, this is not a significant problem for many of us.

How to make Diversity a daily practice?

Fitness Center for New Work

New Organizations

How to make Diversity a daily practice?

Fortunately, there are methods available that we can apply to promote diversity in our decision-making and action.

Why corporate strategies often fail

New Organizations

Why corporate strategies often fail

Companies must constantly adjust their focus and actions to succeed within the given context. Corporate strategy guides this process. It is designed to change the behavior of employees so that their work is aligned with the new direction of the company.