
How can you motivate other people? – Our tips for inspired teams!


New Teams

New Learning

Do you want to motivate your team? Then you must be motivated first! Only if you are sufficiently convinced of the project and its benefits should you continue reading this article. Your conviction is an absolute prerequisite: you have to be on fire yourself to fire yourself to be able to light the fire in others.

I am glad you are reading on and therefore have sufficient motivation. Now it is about convincing and inspiring your team. Over the past six years, I have worked with many groups that were different in terms of age, culture, industry and educational background. The following tips have worked in all these constellations.

This article is a co-creation with course participants whose experiences are included here in the text. Enjoy reading, reflecting and commenting!

A common goal: This tip must come first! Nothing is more important than a clear goal that is shared by all members. A unified vision of the goal unites the personal interests of the team members and aligns them towards a common success. When everyone involved understands the goal and sees it as worth striving for, they work towards the common good of the group.

“Whenever I was on the verge of despair because I felt I would never achieve my goal, Sandy would emphatically show us what we had already achieved and remind us of all the goals we had already reached. This then always encouraged and motivated me to keep going.”


Team spirit: Group successes motivate more than individual achievements! People are socially inclined and like to be part of a group. If it is a group where they feel free and comfortable to work without fear of making mistakes that is worth a lot! A great team is often a reason because people stay with a company or organization and return good performances.

“Regular meetings have created a team spirit. We celebrate progress together and learn not only from our own mistakes but also from each other. Without this community, I do not think I would have come this far. For me, a harmonious team is the best motivation to approach, tackle and master new things.”


Appreciation: The word “teamwork” consists of two parts: Team and Work. The latter is not always easy, but any work is more enjoyable when one’s contribution or performance is recognized. This should be an essential part of a group’s dynamic. Here in Germany, many people are reluctant to praise and offer explicit gratitude – but that is often counterproductive.

“There is nothing better than receiving positive feedback from your employees. Sometimes this may only be a smile. Since you do not always receive feedback as a manager, this smile can be a huge source of self-motivation!”


Games, fun, and surprises: Why not enjoy the way to achieving your objective? Enjoying what you are doing is good for everyone and also benefits the team. We all remember wonderful experiences in lively groups. It is important to ensure a relaxed working atmosphere and to integrate amusing moments that make everyone laugh. It is similar to surprises. It has been proven that trying something new and original increases motivation! Be creative, spontaneous, and authentic. The staff, participants and students will appreciate it.

“Humor and a playful approach to learning bring excitement. In this respect, Sandy provides variety and sometimes surprises with her approach and mentoring, which encourages me to keep going.”


Creating motivated teams is not always easy, but it is worth it! Motivation and enjoyment at work are unfortunately the exceptions rather than the rule. So if you are one of the privileged ones, share your experiences working and learning in motivated teams with us! It will surely give us more inspiration.

For me, teamwork is about fostering everyone’s strengths and motivating each other. Everyone has different talents with which they can contribute. By creating a positive dynamic, people can complement each other. Working in a team motivates me precisely because I am working toward a larger goal together with others. It is essential to perceive one’s colleagues and to acknowledge their results appreciatively. When someone praises me, I am pleased, my self-worth increases, and I have a heightened sense of team membership. Experiences are shared simply by praising and motivating another team member regarding his performance. In this way, you strengthen each other and enjoy working together.
