We believe everyone has potential. Discovering and developing this potential is fulfilling and forms the basis for personal and professional success. For organizations, unleashing the potential of everyone is THE NEXT BIG THING!
Things are getting better - In today's economy, there is a harmonization between the further development of employees on the one hand and the company on the other. Throughout history, it has been said that companies exploit their employees. It is now worth investing in them and their well-being.
In the theory of modern leadership, this has been self-evident for years. In practice, however, there is still potential in several senses!
- The first potential (individual) is to focus on everyone in the organization. Development programs have long focused on management levels. Training for the workforce was primarily professionally oriented. However, through automation, simple activities disappear. Operational activities become creative activities, which leads to the potential for everyone to play a decisive role. Skills like creativity and self-organization become principle factors.

- The second potential (collaborative) is that of cooperation. Boundaries between disciplines, departments, teams, and even companies are disappearing, which presents opportunities everywhere to generate added value through collaboration. However, this requires strong communication and collaboration skills. The development of these skills can access this second potential.

- The third potential (organizational) lies within the organization. It results from tapping into the first two potentials. It expresses itself not just as warm words but in effects crucial to a company, such as higher productivity, a better quality of work, better problem-solving and decision-making, higher job satisfaction, lower turnover of staff, and greater competitiveness. Skills for new forms of leadership and design are decisive here.

Opening up this potential through New Work guides our work. It motivates us deeply. It is fulfilling to experience how people discover and realize potentials that they did not know existed before. Helping to shape the change of teams and organizations is satisfying. We are sure that you also know this from your own experience.
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